
Proper nouns- The names of particular persons, places, and things are proper nouns. Capitalize the first letter of a proper noun. All other nouns are common nouns and are not capitalized. (dog is a common noun)

*Rules to remember-

1. Capitalize the first and all important words in a book title. (My Side of the Mountain)

2. Capitalize days of the week and months of the year. (Wednesday)

3. Capitalize the first letter of an abbreviated proper noun. (St.)

*Most abbreviations end with a period. In addresses, state names are abbreviated using two capital letters and no period. (TN)

4. Capitalize titles before people’s names. (President Jefferson)

Possessive noun- shows ownership (The dog’s bark)

Singular possessive noun- shows that one person, place, or thing has or owns something.

Plural possessive noun- shoes that more than one person, place, or thing has or owns something.

Rule to remember-

Add an apostrophe and –s to form singular possessive nouns.

Add an apostrophe to a plural noun ending in –s to form the possessive.

If the plural noun does not end in –s, add an apostrophe and –s.

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